LiquiGen Velocity export doesn't seem to work

So I feel like I tried everything. Exporting an alembic file from liquigen and I tick export velocity, but in blender 4.3 I can’t seem to get it to render motion blur.

Motion blur works on a simple cube in the scene.

In Blender in the Data properties I don’t get a velocity attribute. Is there something else I need to do in Liquigen to make sure there is velocity on my simulation?

Hey, I need to find the tread but I am sure I saw that some Blender guru used a custom version of Blender to be able to extract the velocity and add values along Y to play with the scale. It was in this forum but with a link to a Blender forum. If I found it I will share it.

I think I’ve found the problem to be Liquigen and not blender. It seems to happen that after I’ve saved the file and re-opened it again later and then export, then liquigen file no longer exports the velocity data. Just all zeroes.

Hi Tom and @Enzo_Luka, this has been an elusive issue for us that seems to be a problem in most Blender versions, but has worked in others. I’m trying to find the posts in our discord but I think in Blender 4.1 people were reporting that the velocity attribute worked fine. Are either of you able to test to see if your LG exports have readable velocity values there?

Hi @TomIsaksen & @notwillclarke, I think in these tread there is some information that might be relevant.

Hope this helps