Interpolation between alembic frames?

Is there an option for the solver to interpolate between alembic frames? For example, this frame doesn’t push around the fluid (this is an animated cylinder that wiggles up):

This is the same alembic using the FLIP fluids add-on in Blender showing the kind of behavior you’d expect:

I’ve attached two gifs to help demonstrate what I mean.

I’ve messed with a bunch of settings that sound like they might help this but I end up with the same result of the solver not respecting the motion of the alembic.

cylinder gif
cylinder gif2

You can do this with the Override FPS button in the Import node, but you’ll need to make sure you compensate your Timestep and Frame Stride accordingly. Use this guide below as a sheet to help you out with this

We also just need to fix animated collider behavior in general, so we are working on it!

Thank you for the response and helpful tip! I apologize for posting in both the forums and asking through support… I wasn’t sure which way was better to ask this kind of question.

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