VBD scale for C4D

Hello. I’ve looked through the forum and some people seem to have the same issue but none of those questions were answered.

Is there a formula or trick when we import a VDB from Embergen into C4D to make it scale properly? I export meshes from C4D that work fine in Embergen. The issue is when I bring back the VDB simulation from Embergen and the scaling of the mesh used for emitter which now about 50X smaller than the original mesh. The way I been doing it is by eye balling it but there has be a better way where we can enter precise numerical values no?

Thank you.

Hi Ricardo, you can do this by connecting the transform pin of the import node to the transform pin of the VDB export node. This will transfer the inverse of whatever transforms you made so that the VDB imports exactly where you would expect it to!

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Oh, that is brilliant and makes a lot of sense. Thank you for the tip and looking forward to try it.

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