Alembic Vertex map the Weirdest things

It´s been a while since I was messing with proper scaling back to blender etc…and still on version of embergen.

Anyway, fbx is so wonky, and I need deformations with the alembic import to embergen, fbx seem unable to maintain deformations.

So…Alembic then, but…it can not display or work with the vertex map painted in blender it seems, I think I had this up for discussion before.

But…when I now tried again, and not even using the mask output from the importet shape, but just the geometry, it won´t show up in embergen as expected, but…once exported to blender, it suddenly seem to actually have emitted only from that vertex map painted it blender, so weird, it´s like the alembic file truly have it in there when imported to embergen, but can not be seen properly in viewport in embergen, but weirdly seem to have been exported based on the painted vertex map…just weird.

But…there is a wonky issue still, I had the frame range set to 100 for the alembic export from blender, and also when exporting to vdb for blender, once playing it there in blender, it emitts ant matches the map, If I adjust scaling and so on, but after some 64 frames, the vdb file changes location, and loses the the emission from the painted map, and reverts to full emission based on the whole object.

The flip wonkyness is most likely wrong fps settings, in this case I checked override fps, but had it on 60fps, I think I have to change that :slight_smile:

At frame 64…a flip…flop of location, and the emission flips to be from the full mesh and not the mask.

Still …weird that I actuall can get the mask emission there at all for the first 63 frames with this imported
alembic file, since it isn´t using the mask output at all, and since I also do not see it emitt from the mask in embergen at all either.

And export image duration, is that baking in something to the vdb?
it´s set to 100 frames, but it´s bar states it ends around frame 63, which is exactly when the flip flop occurs, and when the mask effect stops to ??

See arrow

Hey so sorry for the delay, we can’t really troubleshoot stuff like this in older versions of EmberGen, but if you share your project files I can check and see how it behaves in EmberGen 1.2.2!